Warrington West Scouts are pleased to offer you high quality bedding plants and hanging baskets for sale again this year. We hope you will support us by placing an order, no matter how small.
Please order and pay on our online shop www.warringtonwestscouts.org.uk/shop
All orders must be received no later than Sunday 4th May 2025.
The plants are grown by a professional grower and will be delivered to your door between 12th and 30th May 2025. Note unfortunately we cannot provide an exact delivery date within this period and deliveries will only be made in the WA5 postcode area. If you live outside this area, you may still place an order but you will need to arrange for delivery to a friend/relative who lives in WA5. The grower reserves the right to substitute plants if necessary.
Proceeds from this plant sale are used to support a wide range of exciting scouting activities for local girls and boys, aged 4-14, in the Warrington West area.
If you know someone who can’t order on-line, please download a copy of our order form for them.
If you need assistance please email us at plantsales@warringtonwestscouts.org.uk or phone on 07770 082823